Moving from a large city or a coastal town to western North Carolina can be a big change, especially if this is your first time living in somewhat of a rural area. When we moved from Florida, I’d never lived anywhere else but near the beach and there were certain things I was accustomed to that I didn’t expect to encounter here. For example, we like to go out to eat and there are a lot of restaurants that close Monday and Tuesday, with some only opening Thursday through Sunday. Many stores close at 5pm. We chalk these little nuances up to small town living where family time is valued and put ahead of profits. That mentality is part of why we moved to Hendersonville, North Carolina.
Like most people, we researched online what it was like to live in Hendersonville, which brings up a laundry list of travel websites that list out the very generic things like “Go dine on Main Street” as the #2 reason to move here. Yes, dining on Main Street is something we enjoy doing, but as you begin living here you begin to recognize and even appreciate these distinctions of living in a historic town in Western North Carolina.
In short, you should move to Hendersonville, N.C. if you desire a peaceful mountain town, reasonable costs of living when compared to bigger cities, a family-like atmosphere, a charming downtown area, enjoy outdoor activities, and don’t mind the change in seasons. Census data seems to support Hendersonville’s popularity as well, showing that our population grew nearly 11% from 2010 to 2022.
After living in Hendersonville now for some time, here is a personal list of reasons why I enjoy being here that you may enjoy to:
It’s Never A Bad Time To Build A Fire

Having vacationed in Western North Carolina many times, I always enjoyed making fires outside. Now that I own a home in Hendersonville, that hasn’t changed. There’s just something about sitting around a fire in the evenings with a glass of wine, a little music, and enjoying the stars. This might be one of our favorite things to do year round and a big reason why living in Hendersonville is relaxing. We were drawn to the location of our home in particular, it’s on the side of a mountain and surrounded by trees. The back deck was an ideal spot for some chairs and a fire. If you’re thinking of buying a house in Hendersonville, consider one with a nice back porch or deck.
Nearby Hikes Have No Cell Phone Coverage

In our spare time, we love to hike in the DuPont Forest, the Pisgah Forest, or even take a longer car ride up to Cashiers or Highlands. This has been a great family activity as the kids love to stop and jump in the creeks, climb big rocks, and explore the woods. But you know what I truly enjoy about these hikes? No cell phone coverage. I love to stay in touch with family, friends, and clients, but in today’s world of push notifications and text messages, it’s good to be “forced” to take a break.
There Is A Sense Of Community Here

Having grown up in the suburbs near Tampa, Florida and also having lived on the east coast of Florida in Jupiter, the experience of living in Hendersonville is much different in terms of how people interact with you on a daily basis. From my own personal experience, I’ve found most people in Hendersonville to be generally nicer when going about daily life. Whether it’s at church, the ball field, or downtown on Main Street for an event, people seem happy to be here. There is an appreciation for Hendersonville and its reflection of “how things used to be” in simpler times. Although I hate that it happened, I’ve never seen a community come together like Hendersonville did with the passing of Deputy Sherrif Ryan Hendrix in 2020. Whether in times of sadness or the joy of holidays, the love for each other here doesn’t seem to waver. It feels good to live in a place where this sense of community is so apparent.
Actually Open The Windows In Your House And Not Die
This sounds like a small thing, but to someone that’s lived in the sweltering Florida heat all their life, it’s a privilege! Growing up near Tampa, Florida meant high temperatures and even higher humidity for 10 months out of the year. Moving to Hendersonville, we’ve found ourselves practically living with the windows open which actually has had a stress-reducing affect on us. More nature is a good thing!
It’s The Little Things

I love the personality of Hendersonville and it’s the little details that collectively make it such a special place to live. Just walk around downtown spring through fall and you’ll find fresh flowers planted seasonally, along with hanging baskets with flowers. But it’s more than that – it’s the brick architecture, the beautiful trees downtown, it’s the classic cars that circle Main Street, it’s the way the town celebrates holidays. We’ve lived in a lot of different cities, but none like Hendersonville. If you’re looking for that unique mountain town appeal, Hendersonville checks all of the boxes for us.
If you decide that you would like to learn more about buying a house for sale in Hendersonville, N.C., or have one you wish to sell, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at (828) 423-1401 or by email at
Written By: Rob Bowman
About The Author
Rob Bowman of Bowman Marketing has 20 years of experience in advertising luxury items in the boating and yachting industry. He’s been an expert in the marine industry space in search engine optimization, content creation, social media, and overall marketing strategies. He has a client list that includes United Yacht Sales, SI Yachts, Seattle Yachts, Fleming Yachts, Absolute Yachts, and others. Rob now also manages the marketing for HendoLife and all of Ashley’s real estate clientele. Find out more about Rob Bowman professionally on his LinkedIn page.